Question retrieving information XML & copy to excel Files

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New member
Jun 19, 2019
Programming Experience
Hello has all,

I seek to retrieve XML information, I arrived a retrieve attributes however the childrens they are not recover my code below and the shape of my XML file:

XML template:
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="utf - 8"? >

        <Tool PartNumber="0018B">
            <ToolLine Text="FI: 3897" />
            <ToolLine Text="PINCE1 Reference: 22520/2.01 M" />
            <ToolLine Text="Position: 2.02" />
            <ToolLine Text="setting: 7" />
            <ToolLine Text="PINCE2 Reference: 22520/7.01 M" />
c# code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml

Module ParsingUsingXmlDocument
    Sub Main()
            Dim m_xmld As XmlDocument
            Dim m_nodelist As XmlNodeList
            Dim m_node As XmlNode
            ' Create the XML Document
            = New m_xmld XmlDocument()
            ' Load the Xml file
            m_xmld. Load ("D:\Users\Desktop\Xml to excel chahine\U881A1013_105_A_PREP_1.xml")
            = m_xmld m_nodelist. SelectNodes("/Root/ToolsList/PartNumber")
            ' Loop through the nodes
            For Each m_node In m_nodelist
                partnumber = m_node. Attributes.GetNamedItem ("PartNumber"). Value
                ' Get the firstName Element Value
                text1 = m_node. ChildNodes.Item (0). InnerText
                text2 = m_node. ChildNodes.Item (1). InnerText
                Dim text3 = m_node. ChildNodes.Item (2). InnerText
                text4 = m_node. ChildNodes.Item (3). InnerText
                Console.Write("partnumber:" & partnumber _
                & "text1:" & text1 & "text3:" _
                & text3)
                Console.Write (vbCrLf)
        Catch errorVariable ACE Exception
            ' Error trapping
            Console.Write (errorVariable.ToString ())
        End Try
    End Sub
End Module
if you have any ideas please don't help me, thank you in advance

After a question how I implemented this information on an Excel file
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