Datagrid Row Edit get value changed and all values.

Feb 9, 2023
Programming Experience
Good morning,

i have been trying for a long time now to get row with the edited values or value and to send to update a sqlite db,

i know how to handle the updates what i cant seem to achieve here is the selected row with the edited value included so what i have currently

the pumpstatemodel.cs

Pump Model CS:
private ObservableCollection<PumpStateModel> _Pumps;

        public ObservableCollection<PumpStateModel> Pumps
            get { return _Pumps; }
                _Pumps = value;

        public void test()
            if (!File.Exists("./MobileData.sqlite"))





        #region loadpumpdata
        public IEnumerable<PumpStateModel> GetPumpData()

            string getdb = "select * from PumpState";
            SQLiteCommand elfeninfo = new SQLiteCommand(getdb, testing);
            SQLiteDataReader result = elfeninfo.ExecuteReader();

            if (result.HasRows)
                while (result.Read())
                    // Get Fileds here

                    //var _id = result["ID"];
                    int _PumpNo = Convert.ToInt32(result["PumpNo"]);
                    var _State = Convert.ToInt32(result["State"]);
                    var _stan = Convert.ToInt32(result["Stan"]);
                    var _GradeId = Convert.ToInt32(result["GradeId"]);
                    var _GradeName = Convert.ToString(result["GradeName"]);
                    var _Ppu = Convert.ToInt32(result["Ppu"]);
                    var _Volume = Convert.ToInt32(result["Volume"]);
                    var _Cash = Convert.ToInt32(result["Cash"]);
                    var _MobileTransaction = Convert.ToBoolean(result["MobileTransaction"]);
                    var _MobileEnabled = Convert.ToBoolean(result["MobileEnabled"]);

                    PumpNo = _PumpNo;
                    State = _State;
                    Stan = _stan;
                    GradeId = _GradeId;
                    GradeName = _GradeName;
                    Ppu = _Ppu;
                    Volume = _Volume;
                    Cash = _Cash;
                    MobileTransaction = _MobileTransaction;
                    MobileEnabled = _MobileEnabled;

                    yield return new PumpStateModel
                        (_PumpNo, _State, _stan, _GradeId,
                         _GradeName, _Ppu, _Volume, _Cash,
                         _MobileTransaction, _MobileEnabled);



        #region check connection

        public void OpenConnection()
            if (testing.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open)

        public void CloseConnection()
            if (testing.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)


        public void InitialzePumps()
            Pumps = new ObservableCollection<PumpStateModel>();
            Pumps.Clear(); // never renew, always clear otherwise break data binding
            foreach (var pumpData in GetPumpData())



        public PumpStateModel()

        public PumpStateModel(int PumpNo, int state, int stan, int gradeid, string gradename, int ppu, int volume, int cash, bool mobiletransaction, bool mobileenabled)
            this.PumpNo = PumpNo;
            this.State = state;
            this.Stan = stan;
            this.GradeId = gradeid;
            this.GradeName = gradename;
            this.Ppu = ppu;
            this.Volume = volume;
            this.Cash = cash;
            this.MobileTransaction = mobiletransaction;
            this.MobileEnabled = mobileenabled;

            //WeakReferenceMessenger.Default.Register<PumpType, PumpTypeUpdates>(this, (r, m) =>
            //    // Assume that "CurrentUser" is a private member in our viewmodel.
            //    // As before, we're accessing it through the recipient passed as
            //    // input to the handler, to avoid capturing "this" in the delegate.
            //    m.Reply(r.State);

        private int _PumpNo;

        public int PumpNo
            get { return _PumpNo; }
                _PumpNo = value;

        private int _State;

        public int State
            get { return _State; }
                _State = value;

        //private int _infoState;

        //public int infoState
        //    get { return _State; }
        //    set
        //    {
        //        _State = value;
        //        this.OnPropertyChanged("infoState");
        //    }

        private int _Stan;

        public int Stan
            get { return _Stan; }
                _Stan = value;

        private int _GradeId;

        public int GradeId
            get { return _GradeId; }
                _GradeId = value;

        private string _GradeName;

        public string GradeName
            get { return _GradeName; }
                _GradeName = value;

        private int _Ppu;

        public int Ppu
            get { return _Ppu; }
                _Ppu = value;

        private int _Volume;

        public int Volume
            get { return _Volume; }
                _Volume = value;

        private int _Cash;

        public int Cash
            get { return _Cash; }
                _Cash = value;

        private bool _MobileTransaction;

        public bool MobileTransaction
            get { return _MobileTransaction; }
                _MobileTransaction = value;

        private bool _MobileEnabled;

        public bool MobileEnabled
            get { return _MobileEnabled; }
                _MobileEnabled = value;


and in my main window under cell edit ending,
i have the following

            PumpStateModel currentUser = hmdata.SelectedItem as PumpStateModel;
            if (currentUser != null)
                MessageBox.Show("PumpNumber: " + currentUser.PumpNo + ", State: " +
                                 currentUser.Stan + ", Stan: " +
                                 currentUser.State + ", State: " +


what i am trying to do is edit a cell on datagrid and on the edit of the cell i want to pass the whole row included the cell with the updated value

then pass all the updated values into a function to update the database but what i cant seem to understand is why it wont do this the values in state i change it to 5 from 0 and it still comes across as 0,

i have tryied to write this example code here,

what i have tryied:
            //TextBox quantity = e.EditingElement as TextBox;
            //DataGridColumn dgc = e.Column;

            //if (hmdata.SelectedCells.Count > 0)
            //    DataGridCellInfo cell = hmdata.SelectedCells[0];

            //    var generator = hmdata.ItemContainerGenerator;
            //    int columnIndex = cell.Column.DisplayIndex;
            //    int rowIndex = generator.IndexFromContainer(generator.ContainerFromItem(cell.Item));

            //    ((PumpStateModel)hmdata.Items[rowIndex]).State = Int32.Parse(quantity.Text.ToString());

            //    MessageBox.Show(quantity.Text.ToString());

however this works but got no way of determining the column to name
so i can get what has been edited insted of just what textbox has been edited

as you can see from pumpstatemodel.cs
i have int sting and bools in this db
and need a way of getting the whole line and determin what value has been edited
and in what colum so i can send the whole line to be updated in the database

so what to grab updated value of say state from the picture and grab

PumpNumber , State ( value has changed here ) , stan, gradeID, Grade Name , ppu, cash, mobiletransaction, mobileenabled.

they are all the colums i want to grab all these values including the updated one, so as a example my function would look something like,

public void testupdate(int pumpno, int state, int stan ect)

and from there i would pass all the values to this function to be updated in the database but really lost on how to accomplish this

any help would be much appreciated
kind regards,


  • example1.png
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Is this with WPF, Blazor, MAUI, or some other framework? It's not clear exactly when you are trying to pull the values and save them to your database.

Personally, if I wanted to be framework agnostic, I would just register for notifications on the model (since I am already firing property change events according to that code above). When a property changes that I care about, then I save the entire object to the database -- all the associated values for that object already there.
Is this with WPF, Blazor, MAUI, or some other framework? It's not clear exactly when you are trying to pull the values and save them to your database.

Personally, if I wanted to be framework agnostic, I would just register for notifications on the model (since I am already firing property change events according to that code above). When a property changes that I care about, then I save the entire object to the database -- all the associated values for that object already there.

Sorry its a wpf application and i forgot to add in the window bare with

            <ColumnDefinition Width="577*"/>
            <ColumnDefinition Width="223*"/>
        <DataGrid x:Name="hmdata"
                  ItemsSource="{Binding Pumps}"
                  RowEditEnding="hmdata_RowEditEnding" SelectionChanged="hmdata_SelectionChanged" CellEditEnding="hmdata_CellEditEnding">

            <DataGridTextColumn Header="PumpNumber" Binding="{Binding PumpNo,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="State" Binding="{Binding Path=State,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Stan" Binding="{Binding Path=Stan,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="GradeID" Binding="{Binding Path=GradeId,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="GradeName" Binding="{Binding Path=GradeName,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Ppu" Binding="{Binding Path=Ppu,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Volume" Binding="{Binding Path=Volume,Mode=TwoWay}"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="Cash" Binding="{Binding Path=Cash,Mode=TwoWay}" Width="40"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="MobileTransaction" Binding="{Binding Path=MobileTransaction,Mode=TwoWay}" Width="140"/>
            <DataGridTextColumn Header="MobileEnabled" Binding="{Binding Path=MobileEnabled,Mode=TwoWay}" Width="*"/>


sorry about that and basicly when i edit a value in datagrid i want it to get that whole line with the included change to the colum and then update the database

i read it at the start into pumps ( observable collection )
and from there bind that to the datagrid

its WPF no frameworks or mvvm for this application
If you looked at documentation,

it explicitly says:
Occurs before a row edit is committed or canceled.
(emphasis mine)

This is why you are not seeing the new data in your object yet.

If you search around on StackOverflow, most solutions revolve around using the dispatcher to send yourself a message "later" to actually get the data and perform the save operation.
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