Question Would It Be Possible to Solve a Maze of This Kind With Some Form of Algorithm?


New member
Oct 28, 2021
Programming Experience
What would be the easiest way to make an automatic solver for a maze drawing program like this, if it's even possible?

All help is greatly appreciated.


    214.4 KB · Views: 8
Search for "backtracking maze solvers" They are generally depth first or breadth first search algorithms.
As a quick aside, if you are unwilling to take the time and effort to post just the relevant code, most people will also be putting in the minimal amount of effort to try to help you. From what I can see when I took a quick glance at the .ZIP file, you just took your entire project without taking time to strip away even the binaries. All you really needed to post was your code for loading your maze into memory so that others would have some starting point on how to look at the memory model of the maze and how to walk through it. The drawing code is irrelevant. From what I could quickly skim through your code, it doesn't look like you progressed much from your other thread where you are still trying to figure out how to load and draw your maze.