Slower site performance?


Staff member
Apr 6, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
Programming Experience
Anybody else notice that the site's page load, and reaction to posting other actions to require a round trip back to the server have been slower the past week or week and a half?
super fast for me.
Of course, now that I have time to fire up dev tools to try to see where the bottleneck is at, pages are loading fast. :-/
Anybody else notice that the site's page load, and reaction to posting other actions to require a round trip back to the server have been slower the past week or week and a half?
Occationally lately I've seen a long delay when opening pages first time, coming directly in from RSS feed links, don't know if that's on my end. 99% super fast as @Neal say.
I have seen slow initial page loads when coming to the site after a period of time, on occasion. I'm not sure if that's a local DNS issue or a server side issue. It has caught my attention since moving to ubuntu server but I'm not sure what the cause is.
I made a few tweaks. We'll see if anything changes.
I just switched from mac to windows and came to this site and it was slow initially. It was super fast on the mac as I've already been here. I don't think this is a server side issue but a client issue in caching, updating caches, etc. I've done a few TTFB web page tests this morning, all checked good. I'm using Google Chrome, we all know it's a pig. What browser are you experiencing this in? Have you tried other browsers to test?
Edge on an Android, Chrome on PC, and Edge on PC.

I didn't see the slowness today.
In other words all Chrome :)
No real issues noted today after the change. I think once you hit the site after the change it should hold from there. We shall see.
This may or may not be related - probably not - but I've actually had Edge on Android freeze a number of times on pages from this site. Hasn't happened with any other site, including VB.NET Forums, although I have pages there open less often. Even if I close Edge and reopen, it often freezes again very quickly. I often have to close and reopen a number of times in order to get to the point where I can close the offending tab.
I'm using Edge on Windows 11 and I'm seeing long loading times too. I just refreshed tabs on both this and the VB site and both took some time to load, I probably last loaded them only a couple of hours ago at the most. I did this immediately after loading another forum site and it was much quicker.
Just got a slow load as well. I'm about ready to call it a night. Sorry. No network traces for now.
Things still remaining very fast for me. I think this all comes down to client cache such as jquery, etc.
Fast today for me both from work network and home network.
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