Question Unknown errors


Oct 4, 2022
Programming Experience
Hi !
I've encountered those two errors while coding :

I don't know what they really mean.
Logica error.PNG

Do you know how I could resolve them ?

Also, it seems that since I have those two errors the changes that I make on the code don't apply when I run it.
Can it be related or is it another problem in itself ?

Thank you for your help !
What did you do before these error messages appeared? This is why even lone beginners should be using source control, so you can easily revert to a known good state. I would suggest deleting the bin and obj folders and trying to build again.
Don't post pictures of error messages. Post the code and the error message as text, formatted appropriately, and specify exactly which line the error message refers to.
What did you do before these error messages appeared? This is why even lone beginners should be using source control, so you can easily revert to a known good state. I would suggest deleting the bin and obj folders and trying to build again.

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