

New member
Feb 10, 2023
Programming Experience
A coffee bar, Griff's Glorious Grounds, wants a program to print a customer's bill.
The program should display a welcome message and then input the customer's name, the total for the coffees purchased, and tip if any.
Coffee ranges from $3 (Regular), $5 (Large), and $10 (Specialty)
The program is to calculate the total price with a 13% tax applied; then calculate a tip, which can be either 15, 20, or 25%.
Produce output showing the price before tax, how much tax will be added, and the total amount due with all tips applied.
Sorry, we're not here to do your homework for you. You need to break that assignment down into the smallest parts you can and tackle each part individually. If you have an issue with a specific part, explain what you're trying to do, what you've already done and exactly what issue you've encountered. Just copying your homework assignment into a post with a meaningless, one-word title shows zero effort on your part, so why would we make any effort for you? Show us you've made an effort and then we can talk.

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