Question GridView inside Composite Server Control


New member
May 8, 2022
Programming Experience
I'm trying to implement in my GridView custom Server Control things that works in my application.
I tried to make Server Control inherited from GridView and then i stuck in problem that i don't know how to resolve.

In application I have HiddenField and javascript store in this field Cell what is clicked in GridView, so I can read this value also on server side and everything works fine.
But, when I try this implement in my Custom Composite Server Control that not works. I tried also with Sessions, but also I cannot set Session variable from Javascript, .......

So, I decide to create CompositeControl that have GridView and HiddenField.
Normally add ChildControls.... but when add Control to my WebForm, GridView is not visible on page (Yes, i add property true before creating childcontrol),
and show me error that "Type 'MyServerControl:testGridView' does not have a public property named 'Columns'"

<cc1:testGridView ID="testGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="XmlDataSource1">
<asp:BoundField DataField="TestId" HeaderText="TestId" SortExpression="TestId" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="TestType" HeaderText="TestType" SortExpression="TestType" />

Can somebody tell where i can find some info about Composite control with GridView or help me from own experience?

Thank you
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