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  1. Skydiver

    Question Changing the FontSize of the DataGridView ErrorText

    It should. And if that fails, I think that you would have to hook the data grid view cell painting event. Check for a non-empty ErrorText, and then do your own painting of a cell if it is non-empty.
  2. Skydiver


    Uh-oh! If you're using .NET (Core) then it gets even more interesting: (It was also a blast from the past to see a few posts from davidsh on that issue. I used to work for him years ago during the Win95 days.)
  3. Skydiver


    This is why I was asking about the headers sent by Postman as compared to headers sent by your code. It's possible PostMan is filling in other header values like the agent name or some other thing. As an aside that may or may not related, I was reading on SO that Headers.GetValues() may send...
  4. Skydiver


    What did you find in the cookie container? If you compare your code's sent headers and body to the postman headers and body, are there any major differences?
  5. Skydiver


    Also are you sure it is suppose to be "XSRF-TOKEN" or is it "CSRF-TOKEN"?
  6. Skydiver


    You did not show your code for ExtractCookie(). Did you step through that code to see what cookies are returned? Also, did you look at the HTTP headers of the response?
  7. Skydiver


    What is not working? What error are you getting? Which line is causing the error? What does the documentation for the login API say?
  8. Skydiver


    I think that you'll need to attach a cookie container to a HttpClientHandler and then initialize your HttpClient with that client handler. Then after your initial logon, you'lll need to copy the cookie value out of the cookie container and put it into your request headers.
  9. Skydiver

    Service F9 BreakPoint Debuging

    Yes, the program that Windows launches must be an .EXE but there is nothing that says that all the code needs to be in the .EXE. You can have the majority of the code live in a .DLL loaded by that .EXE. Or alternatively, think of it this way: if you think that all the code of a service must...
  10. Skydiver

    Service F9 BreakPoint Debuging

    Worth reading:
  11. Skydiver

    Service F9 BreakPoint Debuging

    That is because you are trying to debug by pressing F10 to start the process. To debug a service, you need to let Windows run the service, and then in Visual Studio you use "Debug>Attach to process" and attach to the running service. If this sounds really inconvenient, it is. This is why a lot...
  12. Skydiver

    I want to upload a Windows local drive file to a Linux server FTP.

    Strange. @patrick was using FluentFtp in his previous thread, which is the right thing to do since the docs recommend not using the built-in FtpWebRequest anymore. In this thread he is back to using FtpWebRequest.
  13. Skydiver

    Cant get my grid to display the data from my sql

    The first step is to verify that you are actually getting data back from the database. Have you stepped through your code with a debugger?
  14. Skydiver

    FTP error 501 Server cannot accept argument

    This isn't at C# question. This is a FluentFTP and/or FTP question. Have you tried asking the library authors?
  15. Skydiver

    Copy from FTP( to FTP(

    As previously mentioned, no, not in a single step. Even using libcurl, you will still need to download the file, and then upload it. I would not recommend using libcurl, because now you would also have to go through the learning curve of how to link in and call C code from C# code. Instead I...
  16. Skydiver

    Copy from FTP( to FTP(

    You are asking a question that is in the weeds when you should be asking a question that is at the 10,000 ft view. There are many possible places to temporarily store the downloaded file. You could be asking where those other places are, but instead you are asking for how to get the places. The...
  17. Skydiver

    Problem with MQTT client

    Did you mean "remove the semicolon"? Leaving the semicolon on line 32 will give you an infinite loop that will never get past line 32. I can only assume that your code is multi-threaded because otherwise, you'd not even get that error message because the computer would be looping forever on...
  18. Skydiver

    Copy from FTP( to FTP(

    We are not here to do your (home)work for you. There are sites like chegg and others where you can get others to do your work for you. Or you could just have ChatGPT or CoPilot write the code for you.
  19. Skydiver

    Problem with MQTT client

    *sigh* Beware the trailing semicolon. This line: while (true) ; // <-- notice trailing semicolon here { // do stuff here } is the same as: while (true) { // do nothing forever } // we never get here { // do stuff here } which is different from: while (i < 10000) { //...
  20. Skydiver

    Copy from FTP( to FTP(

    In other words, gimme-the-codez.
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