
  1. ahmedaziz

    Question validation message sweet alert display more than once when record exist before and click on submit button multi time ?

    I work on mvc Application Ajax Request Calling I face Issue message sweet alert display more than once if i click button submit more than once if i press same button submit again for same request it will display (message Employee Exist Before) two time if i press same button submit...
  2. fokwabest

    How to customize the default error message "The value '' is invalid" for dynamically generated form

    I am new to core. I have a form which is generated dynamically. I want the validation error message to be "The value must be numeric" instead I get "The value 'a' is invalid" when I submit the form. Here is my View Model: [RegularExpression("^[0-9]*$", ErrorMessage = "The value must...
  3. ahmedaziz

    Question Why visual studio 2022 fill memory although I open only one instance

    I work on visual studio 20222 core 7 applications with csharp . project is not big may be small or medium . after open my computer and start working on visual studio 2022 it fill memory until computer hang or freezes and give me error out of memory from task manager problem show to me...
  4. Samuel David

    Upgrade .Net Framework 4.7.2 Solution to .Net 8

    Hello All, In My webforms project, my Solution having multiple projects which are developed in .Net Framework 4.7.2 and my requirement is to upgrade current solution to .Net 8. Can some one please suggest me how can i achieve this. Appreciate your help. Thanks, Sam
  5. fokwabest

    Resolved Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test

    I am new to ASP.NET Core. I have written a code that works on my local computer but when I publish the app to our test environment the behavior is strange. The scenario is as follows: When the user clicks a link, the app exports data to an excel file which is downloaded. On my PC / dev env, the...
  6. fokwabest

    How to execute stored procedure in ASP.NET Core 3.1 and assign result sets to variables

    I am new to ASP.NET Core (3.1). I have a stored procedure that takes two parameters: startDate and endDate. It returns the following result sets in one go (or execution): I want to be able to grab the result sets in 3 separate variables because I will like to...
  7. ahmedaziz

    Question How to write c# function convert text input to sql server statement return string ?

    I work on some ui web tool on core blazor i need to write csharp function convert this conditions to sql statement so when i filter two columns as databasename and remarks (databaseName == null ? "" : databaseName).ToLower().Contains("db_".ToLower()) and (remarks == null ? "" ...
  8. P

    Question <input type="text" @bind-value="@client.Name" generating a lot of errors - Blazor

    Hello all, I'm working on the Add/Update page. Before, I had typed just value instead of @bind-value, and it appeared the correct value, but those fields were not updated. (Could it be because it was missing the "two way" binding?). Then I changed to @bind-value as you can see in the code, and I...
  9. P

    Question How to get table row data (such as Id) on same row button click - Blazor

    Hello, How can I get data from a table row (such as Id or other columns) on click method from a button that is in the same row? So I can pass an Id to the Delete method or something like that. This is my .razor file: @page "/ClientList" @using WebAPICountries.Models @using...
  10. P

    Question How to pass data from a page to another in Blazor

    Hi all, So I'm progressing in my web dev learning. Now I'm working on a project that is not from a tutorial, but on my own. I have on my clientList page a click event handler method that takes me to the editClient page, and I have to pass an Id to it, and I can't figure how. My method looks...
  11. P

    Question How access the connection string declared in appsettings.json in Blazor

    Hi, So I was able to add a connection string to the file appsettings.json, but I can't find the way to retrieve it in my 'Service' C# code file which gets data from the DB. What I could know is that I need an IConfiguration object, through whose GetConnectionString() method I would get the...
  12. ahmedaziz

    How to store selected Id and selected text on hidden field using razor

    I work on razor core . I face issue i can't store selected value id and selected text of select option drop down on hidden fields so I need to create two hidden fields first hidden field to store selected value id and second for store selected text <div class="col-md-3 col-lg-2">...
  13. ahmedaziz

    How to call stored procedure procedure using entity framework core?

    I work on core entity framework I have csharp function done using ado dotnet stored proceure i need to convert it using entity framwork core with another meaning how to call stored proceure using entity framework core 6 and i don't need to use ado dotnet stored procedure so How to...
  14. ahmedaziz

    How to allow table have pagination to display default value 10 rows ?

    I work on razor core I need to allow data table to have paginations options drop down with 5,10,15,20,25 so when load data it must display default rows per page as 10 rows as first page if i need to increase it to 10 or 15 etc it will accept change according to drop down selection i...
  15. R

    Question ASP.NET Core 6 Web API - How to return 400 bad request responses from middleware

    Hi guys, I have an ASP.NET Core 6 Web API that I am calling 3rd party web services. I have exception middleware in order to log exceptions and return 500 responses to hide the details from the user. When this 3rd party web service returns 400 bad request, I also want to return it to the user but...
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